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neocities doesn't allow audio so I can't put the twilight zone music here like I want to aaaaa
Well, that was idiotic. I should not introduce a page like that again.
The DOOM font is staying though it looks epic-
My name is Clark Chamberlin, and I like turtles. They're cool.
Over the summer I went on a trip to Topsail Island, North Carolina and spent two weeks volunteering at the Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Center, which will henceforth be referred to simply as "the turtle hospital" (unless I forget to). It was pretty neat (massive understatement).
of course, I would not have gotten in if it weren't for my stellar letters of recommendation, so massive thanks to Ms. Nolan, Ms. Schmidt, Mr. Berns, and Mr. Sextro!
Just look at them, they're adorable.
Turtles are kinda a big deal...
I could rant and rave on and on for hours about them, and I do in my article down below- check out these sick futuristic high-tech HYPERLINKS!
See photographs of myself giving a tour at the sea turtle hospital!
Read my article from 2022 about ocean environmentalism, sea turtles, and more!
Read my college essay about my time at the sea turtle hospital!
Leave my site and go to the sea turtle hospital's webpage!
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Internet: the basement-dweller frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new pages, to seek out new memes, and new videos of cats...
Wow you really like scrolling huh
idk if you know of Halls of Torment, It's a pretty cool game I found recently. If nothing else it'd be more fun than scrolling down this page for eternity.
If you like exploring my pages so much, perhaps you might want to find the hidden easter egg hidden in my pages? Go to easterEgg/(blank), and good luck! This URL adventure might take 77 years...
You've hit the bottom! Click me for your prize!
I promise this is won't destroy your computer... probably.