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My name is Clark Chamberlin, and I graduate from De Smet Jesuit High School in 2024. I don't think I need to prove how much of a nerd I am- you're on a neocities page I wrote about myself. Nevertheless, I shall declare useless and irrelevant biographical information you surely care about!
Biographical Information
I like turtles, technology, and writing.
Thus concludes my biographical section. I am very deep.
You can reach me at 24chambecl@desmet.org until May 2024, when the account will be deactivated. At that time, I will update this page with my new email. I'm currently getting absolutely FLOODED with college emails, so if I seem to have missed your message, don't hesitate to send a follow up!
I don't maintain a real "social media" presence at all, so this site really is my twitter, and maybe even my resume.
I am very handsome.
During the first semester of my senior year of high school, I took a course in web design. Thankfully, "Web Design" meant good ol' HTML and CSS, not Squarespace and GoDaddy. See the links to the other projects I worked on in class!
The Turtle Zone
These links will take you off my site!
I wrote a few articles for my school paper. Click the arrow for more information!
Going into Sophomore year, I needed to fill an elective slot, but all the tech and sciene classes I was excited for were only available to upperclassmen. Therefore, I decided that since I could type quickly I would take Intro to Newswriting. BEST DECISION OF MY LIFE. Through that class I have discovered my love for writing, and learned more about English than I ever had in any English class. Under the guidance of Mr. Berns, my publications advisor, I climbed to the rank of Opinions Editor in 11th grade, but unfortunately I had to sacrifice the class in favor of other electives. However, I have remained on staff as a writer, and soon I have my first story of the year up: a review of Quake II, only 25 years late.
Please see some articles I have written! My favorites are:
Turtles will save us, if we let them
Karate should be taught to children in schools
Dot Matrix with Stero Sound
Video game to movie adaptation doesn't suck
The biggest thing to happen to computers in decades is smaller than your keyboard
The biggest thing to happen to computers in decades is in my hands
See the rest of my articles!